All of our water is contaminated,
our food is void of necessary nutrients,
& Corporations Profit on the the chaos they've induced.

There is no chance
11 Billion Healthy Human Beings
can Exist on this Planet
with how things are going.

Most of us 8 Billion Humans are currently living
within inadequate circumstances.

We Don’t even have access
to uncontaminated Water anymore!!!

If you & I are going to Survive,
we’ll need clean water.

If Generations are going to Thrive,
we’ll need to pass on an Ocean Full of Whales
& a Paradise of Food & Medicine
to continue The Evolution 🌱

Our Planet is on the Brink!

Are you ready to fight back?

The Revolution is Underway

You're probably staring at this screen like;
Ugh, another doomsday piece about a dying planet.

What can I even do?

Recycle a couple cans
and stop using straws to drink my soda pop?

Hold up!
We get it.

Feeling hopeless sucks,
& none of us can make
a sufficient difference
by ourselves.

This is why we've created STARMAN πŸ§‘β€πŸš€

This simple memecoin will be our Beacon
to attract any Human Being
determined to Save our Species

Elon Musk will use the power of AI πŸ€–
You & I will use the Greatness of Gaia 🌏🌍🌎

Together, we can cultivate Abundance


Symbol: Starman

DON'T PANIC! is written on Starman's dashboard
as a reference to the iconic book The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

This phrase serves as a reminder for intergalactic travelers Not to Panic,
even in the face of seemingly impossible situations.

This will also be our reminder as we overcome
the insurmountable odds of the Modern World.

Symbol: Justin

The survival of you and your family
relies on your access
to Fresh Water πŸ’§

Yet, we find ourselves in the mists
of contamination and drought.

Wetlands are the Only Adequate Solution.

Wetlands clean our Fresh Water,
Cultivate an Abundance of Food & Medicine,
& share rain across miles of depleted landscape.

This coin will be used to support Sustainable
Wetland Communities across the World.

Not only will this provide Billions of Humans with Free Housing,
this will restore Beaver populations as we work with them to cultivate

We've already Destroyed
more than 80% of our wetlands!

Without wetlands,
life on this planet will continue to
dry up & wither away...

Name: Worth a Dam


As soon as Starman reaches Orbital Velocity, we will begin work on 3 Charity Coins.
These Charity Coins will focus on the Most Important Factors for our species success.


The only Memecoin feeding Real Whales πŸ’¦

This coin will fund
All you can eat Krill Buffets
in whale's favorite hangout pools

If we feed the whales,
they will feed the Ocean.

The Ocean is 70% of our planet.

We HAVE to save our Marine Friends
for our species to have a chance.

Name: Whale Hello There

Symbol: MICKEY

Television's favorite imaginary rodent will now be used
to Protest & Undermine the world's Worst Companies,
until they stop killing our solar system's Single habitat planet

Name: Mickey da Mouse

Join the Movement on X:

& On Telegram:

A Few More Solutions

Deep Harbor Havens, Sustainable Communities,
Evaporation Lakes & Pollinator Caves

These are all of the ideas I've had to improve the circumstances we find ourselves in.

I understand our species priorities to be:

Stop the Waste & Misuse of the Universe's Most Sacred Blessing,
Prevent War & Poison from undermining Gaia's ability to Sustain Complex Life,
Use modern capabilities to Exponentially increase the Abundance our lil blue rock can hold.

But, I want to hear from you!

What are your Best Ideas?
What's your understanding of our situation??
What do you think is the most effective way to save our species
from becoming another failed experiment in the Universe???

All of our water is contaminated,
our food is void of necessary nutrients,
& Corporations Profit on the the
chaos they've induced.

There is no chance
11 Billion Healthy Human Beings
can Exist on this Planet
with how things are going.

Most of us 8 Billion Humans
are currently living within
inadequate circumstances.

We Don’t even have access
to uncontaminated Water anymore!!!

If you & I are going to Survive,
we’ll need clean water.

If Generations are going to Thrive,
we’ll need to pass on
an Ocean Full of Whales
& a Paradise of Food & Medicine
to continue The Evolution 🌱

Our Planet is on the Brink!

Are you ready to fight back?


You might be staring at this screen like;
Ugh, another doomsday piece
about a dying planet.

What can I even do?

Recycle a couple cans and stop using straws to drink my soda pop?

Hold up!
We get it.

Feeling hopeless sucks,
& none of us can make a
sufficient difference by ourselves.

This is why we've created STARMAN πŸ§‘β€πŸš€

This simple memecoin
will be our Beacon
to attract any Human Being
determined to Save our Species

Elon Musk will use the power of AI πŸ€–
You & I will use the Greatness of Gaia

Together, we can cultivate Abundance

The Revolution is Underway

Symbol: Starman

DON'T PANIC! is written
on Starman's dashboard
as a reference to the iconic book
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

This phrase serves as a reminder for intergalactic travelers Not to Panic,
even in the face of seemingly impossible situations.

This will also be our reminder
as we overcome
the insurmountable odds
of the Modern World.

The survival of you and your family
relies on your access
to Fresh Water πŸ’§

Yet, we find ourselves in the mists
of contamination and drought.

Wetlands are the Only Adequate Solution.

Wetlands clean our Fresh Water,
Cultivate an Abundance of Food & Medicine,
& share rain across miles of depleted landscape.

This coin will be used to support Sustainable
Wetland Communities across the World.

Not only will this provide Billions of Humans with Free Housing,
this will restore Beaver populations as we work with them to cultivate

We've already Destroyed
more than 80% of our wetlands!

Without wetlands,
life on this planet will continue to
dry up & wither away...


As soon as Starman reaches
Orbital Velocity, we will begin work
on 3 Charity Coins.

These Charity Coins will focus on
the Most Important Factors
for our species success.

Symbol: Justin
Name: Worth a Dam

The only Memecoin
feeding Real Whales πŸ’¦

This coin will fund
All you can eat Krill Buffets
in whale's favorite hangout pools

If we feed the whales,
they will feed the Ocean.

The Ocean is 70% of our planet.

We HAVE to save our Marine Friends
for our species to have a chance.

Symbol: Swim Shady
Name: Whale Hello There

Television's favorite imaginary rodent will now be used to
Protest & Undermine
the World's Worst Companies,
until they stop killing
our solar system's
Single habitat planet

Symbol: Mickey
Name: Mickey da Mouse

Join the Movement on X:

& On Telegram:

A Few More Solutions

Deep Harbor Havens,
Sustainable Communities,
Evaporation Lakes & Pollinator Caves

These are all of the ideas I've had

to improve the circumstances
we find ourselves in.

I understand our species priorities to be:

Stop the Waste & Misuse of the Universe's Most Sacred Blessing,

Prevent War & Poison from undermining Gaia's ability to Sustain Complex Life,

Use modern capabilities to

Exponentially increase
the Abundance
our lil blue rock can hold.

But, I want to hear from you!

What are your Best Ideas?

What's your understanding

of our situation??

What do you think is the most effective way to save our species from becoming another failed experiment in the Universe???